Monday, April 18, 2016

Caroline: Lights Out

"As the darkness falls over the light,
Lights out.
There goes the day, and this fear that comes won't go away. "

I have attended several of these sort of games and highly recommend the activity to everyone. It is a ton of fun and DOA's themed rooms and creepy historically accurate details make the game that much more interesting!

I had the chance to talk to the GameMaster of DOA Room Escape!

Just look at this picture from one of their rooms to set the mood:

1. In your own words, will you describe what DOA Room Escape is?

D.O.A. Room Escape is, at its foundation, a puzzle game. You are locked in a room with a group of people and and tasked with getting out  before 60 minutes is up.  To accomplish this, you solve puzzles, riddles, and discover hidden objects that will all lead to your eventual escape. Everything we do is based in history-so everything has actually HAPPENED.  We enjoy being able to educate as well as entertain.

2. How does one go about starting a business in Room Escape? 

Very first thing should be having a passion about what you are doing!!! If you are just in it for making money then this business is not for you! 

3. Could you explain the backstory/reason for the theme of "The Garage?"

The Garage is based on Al Capone and the St. Valentines' Day Massacre.  The room is as historically accurate as we can make it (based on photos and information that we researched)

4. Could you explain the backstory/reason for the theme of "The Basement?"

The Basement is based on H.H. Holmes and the book Devil in the White City All clues are derived from H.H. Holmes and his life story.  He is widely regarded as America's FIRST serial murderer.  It is a horror based room-but NOT scary-though creepy would be an accurate word to describe it.   

5. How often do you change the rooms and how do you find inspiration for the next theme?  

We update rooms every 9-12 months.  History is wrought with events and interesting people to base rooms on.  The bigger the event, the more information there is available to us to research.  Eventually, something catches our eye and we start to talk about it and develop it.  It just takes a spark of inspiration to get one of these rooms rolling...

6. How do you come up with the string of clues that lead the teams to opening the door? 

Through lots of hard work and trial-and-error!

7. Can you tell us one of the craziest or weirdest moments you have experienced with DOA Room Escape? 

I wouldn't call it crazy or weird... but it was certainly memorable!  We had a couple get ENGAGED here at DOA!  The last clue was swapped out with a clue that ended up saying Will You Marry Me? When she turned around, he was on one knee with the engagement ring!  We had rose petals and took pictures!  It was beautiful!  Not a dry eye in the place!!!

8. Why do you think people are so interested in an activity like Room Escape? 

People love puzzles and riddles.  They like to think and use their minds to figure out a challenge.  

9. What suggestions or words of wisdom do you have for someone who is interested in going into the Room? 

Communicate, stay organized, communicate, use logic and common sense, communicate, investigate EVERYTHING, communicate...

10. What makes your Room Escape different from others?  

The fact that we are based in real life happenings.  There is nothing so interesting as history. 


D.O.A. Room Escape

Thank you, GameMaster and DOA Room Escape!

Seriously, guys...
Just take a look at some of what DOA Room Escape has to offer:

Tune in next week for more information on Caroline's favorite murderer, the infamous H H Holmes as I take a look at his book and story!

Just so we know what's up:

Until then,

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